Category Archives: About Autoresponders

The Most Important Part of Your Email

Do you believe in love at first sight? I guess that seems like a stranger question to ask within an article about autoresponders? Maybe it is, or is it? Let’s think about it.

Email marketing experts generally agree that any website, email or any other form of on-line content has to grab the attention of the reader within 10 seconds. This means that the emails you send as part of your autoresponder campaign, need to be written in a fashion that will instantly appeal to the recipient.
If we think about this in a logical fashion, this means the actually email subject is your real hook, an unsolicited email, with a trashy subject line will seldom be opened by the target recipient, if ever. You will find whole reams of information and advice available with regards to writing catchy, compelling sales headlines. Most of these words of wisdom can be applied equally well to the subject of an email message. You must catch your client before he even opens the email, by setting the subject to something that will get his attention fully.
Luckily, if you use AWeber as your subscription based autoresponder service, you will have access to tool that can help you judge the effectiveness of your subjects. Not only can you monitor how well they performed, you can also see comparative data for other subjects, allowing you to run several versions of the same autoresponder campaign, and judge which email subject performs best.
The primary tool at your disposal at AWeber is the concept of a split campaign.

What this feature allows you to do, is set up an autoresponder campaign, and use several versions of the same email, splitting the campaign into sections. You may send say, 1000 emails, 500 of which will have one particular subject; the remaining 500 will have a different subject. By monitoring how many of each was actually opened by the target recipients, you will be able to decide which email subject performs best.

More complicated scenarios would see you testing several subjects at once, possibly only adding certain known trigger words, such as secrets, of bargain, to an already successfully performing email subject. You can continue to change and test your titles, constantly evolving the best email subjects for your particular niche.

This is an immensely powerful tool in the hands of a capable individual with a little marketing knowhow behind them, it has been proven that certain words will solicit a prescribed response in the target audience, let’s take the word we see plastered all over shop windows from time to time, the word “Sale”, everybody knows that word means there may be some bargains to be had in the store, and will invariably pause to browse the window display.

There are similar trigger words in the on-line marketing arena, there will also be particularly effective trigger words within your chosen niche. By using a split campaign, you can experiment with new trigger words in your subject line, and judge your success by comparing performance data against of emails in the same campaign.

Jhon Branois is seasoned Internet marketer.
You can find out more about Auto responders visiting his website about ==> email marketing.

The Importance of Strategic Storytelling

Your customers have to be convinced mentally and emotionally to take action. If their senses aren’t engaged, all the logic and reasoning in the world won’t persuade them to buy.

How to disarm customers’ conscious defenses?

Storytelling is the key. Stories help to overcome fear, and words have the power to transform customer passivity into action. A single story can communicate a personal meaning to everyone who hears it.

When this rapport exists, a salesperson can guide customers through the process of finding the correct solution. Successful sales people know that stories have the power to create changes in attitudes and actions.
A speaker or writer that wins our trust understands the difference between how our conscious minds hear words and how our subconscious minds personalize those words. Great storytelling holds the customer’s attention. Storytelling is a fundamental tool for the Worldwide Web, because it communicates a personal message to every individual customer.

Offer testimony about your own experience with your product to build rapport. You have to provide product information and proof of the product’s benefits in language customers can relate to. Salespeople are used to talking about features, but they often forget how important it is to be entertaining. To separate yourself from the competition, you have to grab the reader’s attention and hold it until the end. Most sales letters throw too many distractions in the way of the message.

Stories are the best way to get complex ideas across in a way that people will remember. When you talk the language of your customers, your stories connect your message to the customer’s personal experience in unforgettable ways. Listeners interpret a story in their own way, according to their own life experiences and psychological makeup. This is how your message becomes personalized.

As an Internet marketer, you must convince a complete stranger to think in a new way. You must change the customer before you can convince him to buy something from you. You don’t reason with customers in an attempt to convince their logical mind to buy your product. That never works. And you don’t use scare tactics, telling customers all the bad things that may happen if they don’t buy.

How do you do it?

You start by building trust and rapport with prospects—then you can lead them to receive your ideas. Storytelling is the most effective way to build rapport with customers. It doesn’t threaten and doesn’t offend. It engages.

Jhon Branois is seasoned Internet marketer, who makes his living by building a relationship with his subscriptors. To find out exactly how he uses Auto responders, visit his website about email marketing.

Tips to Sales Letters that Triple Your Conversions

The only purpose of a sales letter is to motivate visitors to take action. Most sales letters on the Web today motivate visitors to abandon the site immediately—not the action the writer of the copy had in mind, but a predictable result when you study the behavior of Internet users.

1. Your sales letter needs a hook at the top of the page. Don’t make visitors scroll down the page to find out if you have a solution to their problem. Internet users have countless options for how to spend their time online. If you take too long to get to the point, visitors will take their money somewhere else.

Your headline will make or break you. Tell visitors immediately about the benefits of buying your product
or service. Get right to the point. Make sure visitors don’t have to scroll down the page to find out what the benefits are. Make sure they see it on the first page view.

2. Focus on a single action you want the reader to take. Resist the temptation to talk about Step Two—your sales page should only have a Step One. Write down the action you want visitors to take. If you can’t describe that action in a couple of words—one brief sentence at the most—you need to sharpen your focus.

3. Keep your paragraphs short. Endless blocks of text aren’t fun to read, and they’re hard on the eyes. Your paragraphs should contain no more than three or four sentences. Make sure you have enough white space around each paragraph. This makes reading easier and more pleasant, enabling you to pull the reader along to the end. An occasional paragraph with only one sentence helps to draw the visitor’s attention to your most important content.

4. Vary the length and type of sentences in your sales letter. Few sentences should contain more than twelve or thirteen words. Nothing causes visitors to abandon a site more quickly than sales copy that drones on and on as if it had been written by someone who just wanted to get the job over with. Long
sentences should be followed by short sentences to keep readers on their toes. Try it. It works. See what I mean?

5. Short words are better than long words. Less than 20% of your words should be three syllables or more. Don’t tell prospects how their lives will be improved by utilizing your product. Let prospects see themselves using your product. Never finalize something—finish it or end it.

Shorter words are almost always more powerful than their longer synonyms. They sound truer, too. When speakers want to hide behind their words, they use the longest and least familiar words in the dictionary.

Foggy language kills your conversions ratio. The problem is that even when you have nothing to hide, people will automatically think you’re trying to cover something up if you let fog creep into your copy. Be yourself. Customers want to trust you.

6. Use verbs in the active voice. Don’t tell prospects how their lives will be improved by your product. Tell them how your product improves lives. Keep adjectives and adverbs to a minimum. Delete almost all words ending in “-ly.” Don’t overdo the superlatives. Cut down on “-est” words.

7. Use bullets. Bullets are the best way to guide the reader’s attention. Bullets also help you focus your writing. Bullets are the perfect format for writing sentence

fragments, and fragments are often easier for the mind to digest. Bullets are the best way to emphasize key points or action steps. Indenting bullets also helps to break the monotony of endless blocks of texts. This refreshes readers and pulls them along to the end of the sales letter.

Jhon Branois is seasoned Internet marketer, who makes his living by building a relationship with his subscriptors. To find out exactly how He uses Auto responders, visit my website about email marketing

How to Take Advantage of Affiliate Programs

Somewhere there’s an established Internet marketer or company that has customers who would be ideal for your business. Plan how to approach them with a deal for a joint venture.

Some of the things you can offer are gross revenue splits, profit splits, co-authorship of informational products, co-ventures, and endorsement trades. Popular programs like Aweber make it easy to use auto responders to create conversions. Aweber also lets you set up a shopping cart system to track orders originating from affiliates’ websites.

It sometimes takes seven or more follow-up messages before customers decide to buy. Aweber is a good tool for following up on prospects through auto responders, newsletters, and eZines. You can sign up here. How to get the most out of email Email is the fastest and cheapest way to promote special offers.

Auto responder-based free courses and newsletters are proven ways to convert prospects to buyers. Email can also be used to promote two-step offers. Send an email to deliver tips or other free information to customers. Then follow up to close the sale. When to offer free evaluations and bonuses Free introductory material is the fastest way to position your brand and familiarize customers with your products and services.

Special reports, white papers, free MP3 downloads, and a bonus gift with purchases are popular tools. Make a free or introductory trial offer at the top of your sales page: You want to get the visitor to do something as quickly as possible. Research shows that your response rate will triple by adding a free evaluation offer to your sales page. Offer a free newsletter signup, or free special reports:

You must collect emails and follow up with helpful information that builds your brand. Just write about what you know. Let customers know you’re willing to go the extra mile to serve them. You wouldn’t be in the business you’re in if you weren’t passionate about it. An eZine is a powerful tool for transmitting your passion and establishing yourself as an online expert.

Jhon Branois is seasoned Internet marketer.  You can find out more about Auto responders by visiting his website about email marketing.

Your Business and Autoresponder

Did you ever wonder how people send out these promotional email and newsletter to you? Maybe you wonder how come you’re getting updates and promotional info about their business from these people without asking them to send it to you. Well that’s because they use an autoresponder. These are simple yet effective email programs that allow people to broadcast bulk email messages to other people.

As for the newbies on this thing about Internet Marketing new to building a list of subscribers, autoreponder is good help to getting in touch and get straight to your potential customers and clients. We can use some of these helpful information to build a good solid relationship with our readers and eventually give you a chronic income stream that you can earn as we do the proper way of using the a responder. Basically, it is about knowing the importance of autoresponder in your business.

Remember, that we are trying to build loyalty, credibility, and get the clicks in the end. If some of them unsubscribe before you get sales that only indicates that you are not delivering what they thought they signed up for. Each reader that signs up to your list are looking for something they can use and that is what we wanted to give them. We do not promote in every message you send at this point.

We can mix it up by giving them free information and free other stuff or useful tips. We do not want them to get fed up of us as we wanted them to continue support us and read what we are sending them.
In sending our first little sequence of emails, we can try of not promoting right away to them until the fourth or fifth email broadcast. At least, we could give them some appetizers to read. We can write something fresh or some ground-breaking that can help build business with them or solving problems.

It’s good to wake up every morning and looking forward to your day. With the help of your autoresponder, your business is running itself and helping you lessen if there’s any stressful day. This is one of the cheapest and greatest techniques for saving your money at the same time earning some prospects. Customer confidence will be increased by the Autoresponder. This is another method of “set it and forget it” Internet Marketing. Many internet businesses are using autoresponder as it saves time and smart ways to do more things in planning and growing your business.


Opt-in Email Marketing – How to Get Your Subscribers Beg for More

autoresponderTo see which ones are effective, my friend tried to subscribe to ten different opt-in e-mail marketing lists to see which ones are effective. A lot of websites and online businesses have considered in sending promotional materials to people who have subscribed to them inorder to boost their sales or traffic. What an Opt-in email marketing does is that it sends newsletters, catalogs updates and many more promotional materials to website visitors who have agreed to be updated whether monthly, weekly or semiannually.

An internet user that is on the list will receive their updates through email. If they like what they see in the promotional material, they will go to the site to find out more or to purchase right away. For the website operators or owners, this is an opportunity to make their products popular.  The competition can get pretty tight and it is easy to be forgotten so it is helpful to have an autoresponder. The fact is that there are numerous sites in the internet that offers the same products or services and a company should make itself visible in the market.

It also helps of one will try to find out which opt-in marketing strategies grabbed a person into begging for more. Some would send in very simple way, some would want it too look outlandish while there are some that would just lie in between. The differences could easily be noticed and some have gotten the idea of an effective opt-in marketing strategy.

There are a lot of ways a company can present their promotional materials. Every company has their own style and designs. But beyond their presentation, what is really important is the content and the articles are what keeps the attention of their potential customer locked on to their opt in marketing medium. They key here is to be creative.

It is important that you keep your promotional materials light, creative and original. A lot of people are stressed out as it is. A stuffy business proposal may just agitate them more. A warm friendly smile or banter is always more welcome than a serious business meeting or proposal. You must show your customers that you know how to have fun although you do want your customers to take you and your products and services seriously.

It is a good idea to splash some color in your emails as well as provide some photos and articles that can be related to you but show good news or good light hearted images as well. Provide a newsletter or promotional materials that will keep them in a light mood. Make your materials friendly in the eyes and look interesting.

Having a good content and article is crucial in making your business successful. Even if it means investing in an experienced and professional copy writer to write them for you, it must be an action you need to do. An effective copy writer should be able to build trust between you and your customers. They should be able to establish your credibility in what they write. It must be informative but not too stuffy. Professional jargons should be avoided when talking to your readers.

If you have a good article and content, it should be able to outline the benefits of your product and services and why they need what you are offering. But do not look to be overeager and too persuasive. There should be an element that entertains them.

You should have a clear promotional material. Do not leave people guessing or put them in a confused position inorder to deceive them. Try to anticipate also what your target prospects need. To do this, you need to do some research and information gathering.

You must provide clear images of what you are offering. If the people know what you have for them, they are more likely to ask for more. For example, if you are selling a kitchen ware, provide them photos but only enough to encourage them to go to your site for more. You will see how this way could help you make sales.

Generate sales and new leads for your company with opt-in email marketing. Here’s a quick video that you can learn from:

Autoresponders – Improper Uses of Autoresponders

Autoresponders are great because you can use them in a lot of ways. But there are several ways that they should not be used. It will be a bit more difficult for other people and to you if autoresponders are not used properly.

If you wonder what happens if one autoresponder respond to another autoresponder, it creates chaos, and in some cases, it can overload servers. When you sign up for something, using your autoresponder email address, this usually happens. You sign up, and a message is sent to someone else’s autoresponder, which responds to your autoresponder, which responds to that autoresponder – and this continues on and on until it is manually stopped and straightened out.

There are some people who use their autoresponder address on purpose when they sign up for discussion lists. The result is that it causes their autoresponder message to be sent to the entire list, or to one person on the list, every time a person sends a real message to
the discussion list. Needless to say, discussion list members and owners do not agree on this practice, and the autoresponder owner gets banned.

Try to avoid these problems and use your autoresponder responsibly. Use this it was meant to be used. You do not want to get reported for spam and also you do not want to create chaos for you and for others.

The Importance of Personalizing Email Autoresponder Marketing

What-is-an-AutoresponderThe department owner remembers your name, and uses it. He remembers you, and he wants you to know that he cared enough about you and your business to remember you. This is just one aspect of customer support in the offline world.

It is almost impossible to achieve customer service on the internet. But with your personalized autoresponder-it can exist. Autoresponder messages can be set up to address people by their first or last name – or both. Personalized information can be added as well depending on the autoresponder that you have.

Every autoresponder will use different codes to insert information in your messages. You simply write your message, and put the codes where you want the personalized information to appear. For instance, your message may start out with ‘Hello (code for first name)! In this case, the person’s first name will be inserted where that code is.

In order to improve your response rate, you should be able to personalize your messages. Personalized emails that have the person’s first name are checked more often, and those people are generally more receptive to the contents of the email message. It is usually very easy to do. You write one message, using the codes where you want the personalization, then, no matter who that one email is sent out to, their personal information will appear where the codes are.

Autoresponder collect information first and this is done with the use of forms that activate the autoresponder. If you are giving away a free book, and you have your visitor fill out a form with their email address to receive the download instructions for the ebook by email, that form should collect any type of information that you want for personalization – such as a first name, as well as the email address. If that information is not collected, the autoresponder won’t have anything to insert where that code appears in your messages!

You can find out what type of personalization if you try to take a look around the control panel of your autoresponder, you can add this your autoresponder messages. You will see improved results if you try this out.

Here’s a cool trick on how to personalize your e-mail autoresponder with your photo. I can’t take full credit for this nifty little trick.

Autoresponders- The Most Important Tool for Your Internet

Build your opt in list with a good autoresponder. Find out why you have to keep in touch with your clients and how an autoresponder program helps you do this.

Autoresponders are used to aid in making a business work effectively and efficiently. In today’s online business, it is really hard to achieve marketing goals without using autoresponders.

Some people market their own products, while others do affiliate marketing. An autoresponder can be a part of your marketing arsenal. It can be used to keep in contact with your past customers and look for new prospects. It is a great tool to do selling in the future as well.

autoresponder opt in list

With an opt-in customer list, you can use your autoresponder to deliver sales. You can send reminders, thank you letters, email courses and can help you build your opt-in list if you do not have one. There are a lot of ways that you can use the system. Through this you can earn more sales and build a network of contacts.

There are a lot of tools that you can integrate with your business. With an autoresponder and an opt-in list, you surely have a great SEO tool. This is by far an expensive way to manage your business and it also makes things easier on your end. All you have to do is find out how the tool works and you can start making your SEO tasks easier and manageable.

How Can I Make Autoresponders Effective?

An Introduction to Autoresponders” by Alex Perez-Prat Internet Marketing, Web Design, Programming, Search Engine Optimization, & SEO Articles. Learn more about Autoresponder Programs. Great tool that can be used for answering your e-mails, send info about your products, price list and repeated questions, you will also know what to include in your autoresponder :

When signing up with an autoresponder service,  it is necessary that you take time to read the instructions to learn how to use the service.  You should know what to put in your message and how you organize your thoughts there.  If you do not know how these things are done, it can lead to a lot of mistakes. If this happens your potential customers will surely see the mistakes you make. This will reflect on you as well.

Now that you have completed the sign up process, you can start loading one email address into the autoresponders mailing list . It also helps if you find a manual or help file for your autoresponder so you will be able to learn how to use all of the features of the autoresponder.

You can try sending messages to your own e-mail address to know how the autoresponder looks like. In no time, you will be able to know what there is to know and you will be able to set your autoresponders up much more effectively in the future. Taking the time to learn now, will not only save time in the future, it may also help you tweak and tune your autoresponder messages and tracking in a way that increases your responses. This is a great way to make it more effective!